Well I couldn't have Tea in the Garden this morning is was wet and ugly out...so I had tea in the Living Room...I have been busy crocheting, making the Tea Bag holders. I'm on my second one and I'm making it Pink & White...So I made my pot of hot Tea. All I can have is decaffeinated Tea and it's just been Lipton...I have some camamile and just forget I have it...Well anyways I made my pot of Tea and got my Yogurt and granola going again,.. I'm trying to get back on this Weight Watchers.. and get my mind into gear...these days things seem to be harder than before.

I used of course my blue and whites again, I have this nice cereal bowl that I have never used I had put it recently out on my silver tray on the Dinning Room Table..In great intentions of using it for once..So I surely did this morning...the sad part was the garden was wet...

A few photos from yesterday evening in the Garden,
I re-did my Victorian hanging planter...I just love this...I put new plants inside.

I added a Tea cup and saucer to the blue Garden which lol ended up with a bunch of different tiny pansy's that were blown from the wind...I should have taken a close up...(next time)

To bad they weren't blue pansy's, they would have been perfect...I filled the tea cup up with water for the birds.

My Iris, I thought was to be blue...hummm something funny here...well I will have to wait for the other to bloom..but it didn't seem to do as well as this one..since this has already withered away it has two new ones ready to bloom...I still love the color...I finally got my blue morning glory's to start they are in a pot in the White Garden I'm waiting for them to make a second leave before transplanting them.

Sugar,& Cream for your Tea dear....

Yogurt & Granola....so yummy

Such a lovely Tray...set up for me...just put it on the coffee tray...and sat down and drank my Tea and crocheted away...waiting for the rest of the house to awaken.

More Garden Photos for you...my turnips are getting big

My first bloomed Gladiolus, I can't wait for my new purple ones and red and whites...

All the peas are growing well, snap peas, snow peas yesterday I saw many blooms on them and snow peas are appearing...I just love the Garden...O and I also saw one Zucchini coming out...exciting don't you think...There is nothing like the Garden watching it grow. And all the birds that come to visit
AND,Before I forget, shhhhh, don't tell but I purchased these beautiful pillows the other day from a friend...I have been wanting these kind of pillows forever in a day..but they are always so expensive...but I got them both for only $70.00 she had a sale...Lucky me...hooray...I can't wait to receive them, I have to pay one more payment...Yes lucky me twice cause she let me do have and half..

So pretty indeed... This morning when I was washing my dishes from Tea in the Living Room, I felt like I was back in time, seeing my blue and white dishes in the drainer...thought to me I should have a wire rack then it really would have been...I often have felt I was born in the wrong place and time...Victorian time is where I should have been...have you ever felt that????

My leeks growing .... for some reason I just got a few...

Zucchini blooms...

I hope that you enjoyed your visit today, Tea in the Living Room with me...sharing my Garden Photos hopefully next time we can have Tea in the Garden instead..wishing you a most lovely evening my dear...with love Janice
This post is lovely- your dishes and many garden plants are lovely! Thanks for linking to Tea in the Garden!
ReplyDeleteA nice post..always enjoy the "tea thing". I have tea every afternoon about 4, sometimes earlier, with a wee cookie or some treat! Have you tried Constant Comment tea? It comes in decaf or reg. and has orange, lemon and lightly spiced. I love it and find it at any grocery store, even Walmart. You garden looks great and you have so many veggies growing! Thanks for sharing.