Lovely Autunm... Soon will be about us. Just 11 more days and it will be offically here........................
Have you ever wished you had a attic room.. are just a huge walkable attic.. I do.. all the time. Mom has a attic but its so full you can't really enjoy it .. It get horribly hot up there so you can even go up there on a hot day.. I would love to have this delightful attic room.. I have made myself a cold meatloaf sandwhich.. It reminds me of my Grandmother, she would make meat loaf and the next day you would see her putting on some mayonaise to a piece of bread and a cut of meatloaf to that .. I remember her walking by holding it .. It is funny the things you record in you mind from your child hood.. she was a forward straight woman.. who died her hair a alburn red and when she had no dye is had a huge two inch wide streak of grey from from to back it seemed anyway to me..She was a good cook who prepared some Russian foods like Piroscki.. But so not like all the ones you see about in the stores on even on line.. My Grandmother baked hers in the Oven never ever fried them..
Filled with Hamburger and Cabbage.. topped with warm Butter & Milk as they were baking in the oven..
This was my first time making them.. Mom helped me with the recipe, because her original one has been mis placed.. My Grandmother also used sour cream in her dough which no one else does either.. And to my suprise they came out just like hers even though my twisted part wasn't quite the touch she had.. But i'm assuming that came with much practice..
Today would be the most perfect day for these delights with a pot of beef vegetable soup... So soon as I have some free time I will be making them soon.......

Cara Janice,è il periodo che stai vivendo che ti dà tristezza e ti leva le voglia di far le cose,allora ti vengono in mente i ricordi di bambina!Sì perchè quello è il periodo che ci si sente protetti,specialmente quando si ha la nonna.Nei periodi tristi si sogna ancor di piu' e ci viene voglia di cose che ci coccolano e ci danno sicurezza!Cara Janice,cerca di pensare sempre positivo,di pensare in pink!Un abbraccio,Rosetta
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I ever mentioned to you, but I am part Polish myself, and my mom would make delicious Polish dishes for my dad while growing up. You are in such a diffucult situation right now with your mom being in one place and you in the other. I give you my sincere comfort today, and know that your friend is thinking of you during this time. What a beautiful picture of the house with all the leaves. Yes, Fall is in the air....I can feel it.
I'm so sorry for you. But think in positive and in pink!
Thanks Janice for all the beauty you share are my favorite well only blog..Cant tell you how many things Ive posted and they never appear.had nothing but trouble trying to get a goole email account..maybe this time I made it..time will tell..blessings to you both...........☺
ReplyDeleteThe Piroscki look so delicious!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your moms health. I have prayed for you both.
Kindly, Lorraine