Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mz. Witherspoon

She's a beautiful warm strong Victorian Woman with a heart of gold. Who would love to share her passions with everyone. She longs for many things to do. She got sick a couple of years ago with Panic Disorder and it changed her life forever. She has a little Chi and her name is SweetPea. She has kept Mz. Witherspoon company since she got sick. Now she is much better and wants to pursue new avenues. So Blogging will be her new challenge. So please bare with her as she learns how to do this. Reasoning for this is cause she has gotten bored with the simple web places like facebook etc. So here is to a beautiful San Francisco Morning looking out on the bay. There's somewhat of a breeze this morning and the sun is shimmering across the water. It's all ruffly  looking. but so clear you can see directly clear across over to the Oakland Hills...I thought we were going to have warm weather like the news had said. But you know them it's never really correct. but this will do, except for the wind..I recently moved back here from across the bay myself. And I live in a little flat here which I love, though I'm not to happy about my new neighbor with her little girl who leaps across the upstairs floor and jumps off the beds and makes my things shake on the wall. I worry because I have my Antique shelf which hold many little precious things. The great thing about my new flat it the glorious garden. I'm trying to transform it which will take time for lack of funds and my broken bones..But slowly and surely we will reach our goal..I'm not sure were to go from here..but this is my beginning wishing you an enchanting lovely day.. I often feel that I was born in the wrong Era, If I had been born in the Victorian Era, this is the lady I would have loved to have been.

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