Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New Kitchen Towels & Pot Holders....

Good evening, I just thought that I would share my tiny rose from the Garden. It seems it has turned a lite Pink...I'm amazed because they were two different Rose bushes when I stuck them in the ground..One was Red and the other was white..just two small little ones...with baby Roses....this is the result of them...
I finally took out my new kitchen towels and pot holders that I bought last month...I think its so sweet
I think the graphics are so pretty...don't you....
This is my old soap dispenser that I found again when I was moving the things in my storage...I have missed it and it fits rite in...
I'm tired out today, I went with Mom and my sister and daughter to take Mom to pick up her new glasses and we got food to go...nice didn't have to cook yippie....well just wanted to share my towels with you cause I thought they were so cute...wishing you a lovely evening ...hope you enjoyed your three day weekend..with love Janice


  1. These towels are quite lovely. I have enjoyed my visit - your newest follower,

  2. Thank you for joining me, but it's not showing...humm I will have to see whats wrong..
