Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sharing my Life, (my open diary)....

Time, and children and wanted things and unwanted things. Expectations .... Well my youngest daughter V is going to have a baby...How do I feel about that not the happiest in the world..Why because she is barely turning 18. She barely has a clue...she has takin care of her sister's children but you know that's not the same...Like I told her it won't be Step come get your kids you will have this responsibility for ever 24/7...the funny thing is I talked with her many times hoping something would sink in and apparently it quite didn't....
Idk, what would be the key to preventing young pregnancies...I tried I talked with all my children and it's like no one heard a word I said...they all new. But maybe it's like she said she didn't think she could get pregnant because she didn't before...Great answer rite...NOT.. So now what some members of the family aren't to happy...But being a Mom, and all the drama we have already gone through with her trying to take her life many times...I got upset the first few moments and then thought...I'm going to just accept it and deal with it...I don't want her to feel alone at all...I want her to know just because I don't agree with it I'm here for her...and I think this will save us all a lot of pain anger and sorrow... I wish it wasn't so but it is...You can't always have the things the way that you wish them to be...so you either except it and be happy or don't and be miserable...It's just how I feel...

My youngest son was very upset and wanted to choke them both and never see her again...said she needed to abort it...NOT...It's against bible principals I told him...he said well they didn't and I said o well that's not happening..

My photos have no meaning to this post other than the fact I'm trying to cheer myself up...My panic is trying to surface today I guess all the drama with my son this morning ... Well with the help of the Father above like everything else I will get through this...Hopefully everything calms down and it all goes ok...hopefully my post doesn't read like riddles...my mind is all over the place...wishing you a most lovely new week...with Love Janice...
Me and V....@ Giselle's fund raiser...

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