Monday, January 2, 2012

Okay started Weight Watcher Program on line...(ReAdY?)

Well here I'am ready for the day.... I just joined Weight Watchers on line and I'm so very excited that I have finally got my motivation back and will be on the road to a healthier me, and back to myself...I weigh 207lbs rite now and never have weighed so much in my life... I think the most I ever got up to when I was pregnant with my girls was 170....but always stayed down around 140 maybe a 150 lbs. so I want to be around that 150 lbs. I don't think that I need to be smaller than that but will see...So today I'm just trying to figure out how online works and hopefully I will. lol... pray cause I paid 56.00 dollars to join for three months. That's 18.oo something a month. and I would spend it at the Good will anyways or something so that's how I look at it... and lol this is more better for me...wink wink....I'm really excited and so so ready... I want to get up out of this sad depressed place I have been in that started when I got my first panic attacks...but it was all a process and that's what I see when I look back at it. So are you ready to lose some weight? I surely am...So in a little bit I will get ready and go shopping at the grocery store to pick up some things. I have written my list and I'm ready...I haven't any more pain in my stomach so I'm hoping that I'm okay. But I will have the doctor check me on Wednesday and let her know what went on with me.

So this is what's in my mind I found this yesterday surfing online... I thought it would be a good model. positive thoughts. I been had a lot of thoughts of things I want to do. So I figure new year It's time to start motivating myself into getting them accomplished. So today I will spend some time before I leave Mom's making a list to do for 2012...and my goals...which I will share with you as the time with all that said...I'm going to publish this post and be on my way. Wishing you a great lovely day full of sunshine.
Soon Spring will appear again...can't wait..Planning a Tea Party....bye for now...


  1. Janice - So kind of you to encourage our venture at Constellation Academy. I noted that you don't often have an opportunity to get to church. CHurch fellowship is so important if you are to grow in the knowledge and strength of the Lord. Sound Bible teaching is absolutely important. I recommend our Calvary Chapel website - you can download and listen to podcasts and watch us live at - the best Bible teaching and links to more great Bible teachers. May you be blessed as you seek salvation in Jesus with all your heart.

  2. Weight Watcher's is a wonderful plan.......I have known several who have had great success with it. Good luck to you. I love the motto for your goals! Wishing this year you accomplish all that you set out to do! blessings, Kathleen
