Saturday, February 13, 2016

Saturday morning chatter

      Good morning,
I was up really early today, do to I'm not sure what lol...  But yesterday i did that thing called spring cleaning in my bedroom and I didnt quite finish.  My back is so bad these days i was through after doing one side but that really included some deep cleaning and furniture moving.  My place seems to get really dirty dusty for some reason in no matter of time at all...  Anyways i need to go through the whole house again spring cleaning and I feel I just did this...  
      I had forgotten I bought this cup several years back and It's a mixed match can you tell...  The saucer, I really was drawn to I love the shape and texture and flowers on it...  
      I believe I had found it at the tea shop I remember she always has mixed matched cups and saucers among her things...  
      The teacup is also textured as well. It has the intials C.T. With a stamp and some numbers in gold...  The teacup says M.Z. a stamp and under Austria...  
      For me they are the perfect match danty and sweet,  they make my heart sing...
      These are Susan Branch secret notes the most adorable tiny little notes...  Have you ever seen them...  I just love her and her things...
      A tiny little match box style box holds all the little secret tiny cards inside...
                     " It's no secret...    Everyone loves you ".  
      This was me when I was done yesterday I could barely step in the shower,  I laughed when I read this at 5:00 am this morning...  O yes I was awake taking little photos at that time, just for you...

      There are quite a few with different sayings...  You could put them inside little gifts etc...  But this lady can't bear to part with not a one...  These are mine, all of them...  I suppose maybe I should have gotten two so I could share...  
      KISS, oh no a ugly frog,  only if you promise me he will surely turn into that handsome Prince that I have been waiting for all my life or no way...  Lol...
      Isn't this card pretty, it was one on the last things that I purchased from the tea shop...  I have not been there in quite a while...  I do miss my visits there... 
                       I love tiny items,  this little piece is like a ginger jar...
      At the tea shop there was always a basket full of tiny little tea cups, saucers, creamers etc...  For like a dollar each some 50 cents...  
      This tiny tea cup and saucer has no stamp or name, but I found it among Mama's things and I decided to keep it...  This sits on one of my dressers to admire...   I don't need reminding of Mama but it does remind me that she loved pretty little things like me and that warms my heart...  Next month will be two years since Mama left us, I can't believe it time is just going and going but as if there wasn't 24 hours to a day...  Just as if there were only half that...  One minute it's Sunday Monday and we are already at Thursday and Friday, funny... But true...

                  It is so sweet and delicate...  A pretty Yellow with pretty Pink roses...
                        I love my crocheted doilies...
      I especially like this pattern...  It's just a tiny hot pad that I found years ago and after years and years I was able to copy and re make it...  I have made it in many other colors...  I still have the original one I found years and years ago...
      Tiny flowers from the Garden... The daffodil is a mini that just opened in a pot that sits in the Garden...

                          The Violets are coming tooo...

      And look at this,  they were not. there the day before and yesterday they just appeared amazing the work of God is...  

      Well I guess it is time to climb up out of bed and make my tea and breakfast and see what I will do today...  I think cleaning is out of the question. Or anything like i wanted to do like be in the Garden...  Maybe I will try to convince my panic to take a bus ride to Mama's house to visit my daughter and grandchildren....  Wishing you all a lovely day...
                 With love Janice...


  1. Hi Janice - your posts are always so pretty! Would love to find some of those little notes to put in my pen pal letters. I tried twice to pull up your crocheting blog but could'not get it to come up.

  2. Im sorry i dont know why its working for me. Here is the address again The little notes are from Susan Branch's blog she has a store right there to purchase this. And thank you very for enjoying my blog. With love Janice

  3. Such lovely tea cups and such lovely pictures! The little notes, the flowers, the vintage cards are fabulous
