Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Mornin . . .🌸🌿

     🌿🌸Helo everyone it's a quiet mornin here in my neck of the woods...  dreary out side no sun as of yet.  I'm a bit tire today last two nights haven't slept well.  What about you is everything okay and working well sure hope so..  well I thought I would share this sweet Pioneer woman tea box keeper.  I just love it and this morning I started filling it up with different teas...
                  I think it is adorable.., well you know that's my opinion..🌸🌿 
     I had several boxes of tea and you know those little boxes take up a bunch of room after a few..  so for me this was the perfect solution..  even though I love many of the boxes this is better🌸🙂
     So this is what I did so I remember what tea they are, I cut a part of the little box and stuck them on top of the insides so when I open the little drawer I know for sure..  🌸🌿
     Six little drawers of tea doesn't take up much room and all looks pretty as well what more could a girl want..🌸🌿

                              🌿🌸So much fun...  🌺🌸🦋🌻🌷🌿
     🌿🌸This I found at Target, could get the salt rounds from Pioneer Woman so I got this..

     🌿🌸Just love the Pioneer Woman....  well thats it everyone..  wishing you a most lovely day...
                             With love, Janice🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌿🦋


  1. I love the tea chest such a cheery addition to the kitchen.

    1. Hello dear good to hear from you... thank you be by to visit soon❤

  2. Oh Janice, I LOVE the tea box keeper. Just love it. Makes me want to take a ride to Target to see if the local store carries it. Great purchase for your lovely collection! Susan

    1. Hi Susan, the teabox is from Walmart, Pioneer Woman. The little round is from Target.. Thanks fo visiting dearest ❤

  3. I was wondering how many bags from the teas it holds. A whole box of each I hope.

    1. For loose tea bags that don't have that individual wrapping. The Celestial tea bags work great it fits the whole box just right... Thank you for dropping by.. have a lovely day.❤

  4. Love this!

    Now you made me crave peppermint tea. :)

    1. Lol... hi Sandi good to see you, thanks for dropping by❤

  5. That's a lovely way to store tea! I need to ask Santa for one for Christmas this year! So nice meeting you on Instagram, Janice!

    1. Awe, so excited that you joined me here.. and yes very nice meeting you as well... well I hope Santa brings it for you It really is sweet.. blessings to you

  6. I love most of the Pioneer Woman's things. Have you seen the floral caps for the small mouth jars? Cute! I'm going to look at Walmart next time to see if they carry the tea holders.

    1. O me too, I'm just stuck on it all.. yes I have some different caps but my favorites are the aquas. Some Walmarts have the tea holder. But it is online now.. thanks for your visit.. blessings

  7. Wow, that is just beautiful, Janice. The Pioneer Woman has such pretty things. I have never been able to afford her things yet though. I love the idea for holding tea--I have a cabinet full of tea, and it often gets disorganized!

    1. She dies have clearance at times. One piece here and there.. thank you for your sweet visit.. Blessings

  8. I love the pioneer woman line too! SO much color! For my birthday last year my sweet MIL gave me a variety of pieces. I use several of them daily!

    Just found your blog. Following so I can stay in touch!

    ~ Emily from So Sunny Day

    1. So glad you dound me dear. Thank you for joining me. I love Pioneer woman dishes alot. ❤

  9. Loved your tea box keeper!So colorful and beautiful pieces!Hugs!

  10. The Pioneer Woman tea chest is too cute! I wonder if they're sold in Canada...
